
It’s assumed that you are familiar with the basics of Rust and the language you will be calling from. You should have read the official FFI documentation, but some basics will be covered here.


All Rust examples will use Cargo and the libc crate. Each example has the following boilerplate in Cargo.toml:

libc = "*"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

In your project, you should pick a specific version for libc; the Omnibus uses a glob import along with a Cargo.lock file to make automated testing easier.

crate-type = ["cdylib"] creates a dynamically linked library. Check out the Cargo documentation for dynamic or static libraries for more information.

cdylib was introduced in RFC 1510 and improves on the existing dylib with reduced file size and fewer exported symbols. It was implemented in Rust 1.10; if you are using earlier versions, it is encouraged that you upgrade, but you can also use dylib with minimal ill effects.


All C examples will be compiled using the C11 standard.


All Ruby examples will use Ruby 2.7 and the FFI gem.


All Python examples will use Python 3.8 and the ctypes library.


All Haskell examples will use GHC 8.8 with the ForeignFunctionInterface language extension and only the base library which comes with GHC.


All Node.js examples will use Node.js 14.12 and the ffi-napi package.


All C# examples will compile with Mono 6.12. It is assumed that this code will work with the Microsoft CLR frameworks, but this is untested.


All Julia examples will use Julia 1.3, and rely on the language’s built-in C function calling capabilities.


All Zig examples will use Zig 0.7.1. Zig has been designed from the ground up with C interop as a firstclass feature Working with C.

Running Examples

When running examples, you need to ensure the Rust dynamic library can be located by the system.

With most shells on macOS and Linux, this can be done by prefixing commands with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=target/debug. For example, to run a Python example, you might use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=target/debug python src/ from the example directory.

Note that System Integrity Protection on macOS may prevent setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH with system-provided binaries. You can either disable SIP or use a different binary from the one provided by the operating system.

On Windows, the simplest course of action is to copy the compiled dynamic library into the current working directory before running the examples. You only need the .dll file. Also note that when running Python examples, you may wish to use py instead of python, especially if you have multiple versions of Python installed.