Using Rust objects from other languages

Let’s create a Rust object that will tell us how many people live in each USA ZIP code. We want to be able to use this logic in other languages, but we only need to pass simple primitives like integers or strings across the FFI boundary. The object will have both mutable and immutable methods. Because we can not look inside the object, this is often referred to as an opaque object or an opaque pointer.

extern crate libc;

use libc::c_char;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::CStr;

pub struct ZipCodeDatabase {
    population: HashMap<String, u32>,

impl ZipCodeDatabase {
    fn new() -> ZipCodeDatabase {
        ZipCodeDatabase {
            population: HashMap::new(),

    fn populate(&mut self) {
        for i in 0..100_000 {
            let zip = format!("{:05}", i);
            self.population.insert(zip, i);

    fn population_of(&self, zip: &str) -> u32 {

pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_new() -> *mut ZipCodeDatabase {

pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_free(ptr: *mut ZipCodeDatabase) {
    if ptr.is_null() {
    unsafe {

pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_populate(ptr: *mut ZipCodeDatabase) {
    let database = unsafe {
        &mut *ptr

pub extern "C" fn zip_code_database_population_of(
    ptr: *const ZipCodeDatabase,
    zip: *const c_char,
) -> u32 {
    let database = unsafe {
    let zip = unsafe {
    let zip_str = zip.to_str().unwrap();

The struct is defined in a normal way for Rust. One extern function is created for each function of the object. C has no built-in namespacing concept, so it is normal to prefix each function with a package name and/or a type name. For this example, we use zip_code_database. Following normal C conventions, a pointer to the object is always provided as the first argument.

To create a new instance of object, we box the result of the object’s constructor. This places the struct onto the heap where it will have a stable memory address. This address is converted into a raw pointer using Box::into_raw.

This pointer points at memory allocated by Rust; memory allocated by Rust must be deallocated by Rust. We use Box::from_raw to convert the pointer back into a Box<ZipCodeDatabase> when the object is to be freed. Unlike other functions, we do allow NULL to be passed, but simply do nothing in that case. This is a nicety for client programmers.

To create a reference from a raw pointer, you can use the terse syntax &*, which indicates that the pointer should be dereferenced and then re-referenced. Creating a mutable reference is similar, but uses &mut *. Like other pointers, you must ensure that the pointer is not NULL.

Note that a *const T can be freely converted to and from a *mut T and that nothing prevents the client code from never calling the deallocation function, or from calling it more than once. Memory management and safety guarantees are completely in the hands of the programmer.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

typedef struct zip_code_database zip_code_database_t;

extern zip_code_database_t *

extern void
zip_code_database_free(zip_code_database_t *);

extern void
zip_code_database_populate(zip_code_database_t *);

extern uint32_t
zip_code_database_population_of(const zip_code_database_t *, const char *zip);

int main(void) {
  zip_code_database_t *database = zip_code_database_new();

  uint32_t pop1 = zip_code_database_population_of(database, "90210");
  uint32_t pop2 = zip_code_database_population_of(database, "20500");


  printf("%" PRId32 "\n", (int32_t)pop1 - (int32_t)pop2);

A dummy struct is created to provide a small amount of type-safety.

The const modifier is used on functions where appropriate, even though const-correctness is much more fluid in C than in Rust.


require 'ffi'

class ZipCodeDatabase < FFI::AutoPointer
  def self.release(ptr)

  def populate

  def population_of(zip)
    Binding.population_of(self, zip)

  module Binding
    extend FFI::Library
    ffi_lib 'objects'

    attach_function :new, :zip_code_database_new,
                    [], ZipCodeDatabase
    attach_function :free, :zip_code_database_free,
                    [ZipCodeDatabase], :void
    attach_function :populate, :zip_code_database_populate,
                    [ZipCodeDatabase], :void
    attach_function :population_of, :zip_code_database_population_of,
                    [ZipCodeDatabase, :string], :uint32

database =

pop1 = database.population_of("90210")
pop2 = database.population_of("20500")

puts pop1 - pop2

To wrap the raw functions, we create a small class inheriting from AutoPointer. AutoPointer will ensure that the underlying resource is freed when the object is freed. To do this, the user must define the self.release method.

Unfortunately, because we inherit from AutoPointer, we cannot redefine the initializer. To better group concepts together, we bind the FFI methods in a nested module. We provide shorter names for the bound methods, which enables the client to just call


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys, ctypes
from ctypes import c_char_p, c_uint32, Structure, POINTER

class ZipCodeDatabaseS(Structure):

prefix = {'win32': ''}.get(sys.platform, 'lib')
extension = {'darwin': '.dylib', 'win32': '.dll'}.get(sys.platform, '.so')
lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(prefix + "objects" + extension)

lib.zip_code_database_new.restype = POINTER(ZipCodeDatabaseS)

lib.zip_code_database_free.argtypes = (POINTER(ZipCodeDatabaseS), )

lib.zip_code_database_populate.argtypes = (POINTER(ZipCodeDatabaseS), )

lib.zip_code_database_population_of.argtypes = (POINTER(ZipCodeDatabaseS), c_char_p)
lib.zip_code_database_population_of.restype = c_uint32

class ZipCodeDatabase:
    def __init__(self):
        self.obj = lib.zip_code_database_new()

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

    def populate(self):

    def population_of(self, zip):
        return lib.zip_code_database_population_of(self.obj, zip.encode('utf-8'))

with ZipCodeDatabase() as database:
    pop1 = database.population_of("90210")
    pop2 = database.population_of("20500")
    print(pop1 - pop2)

We create an empty structure to represent our type. This will only be used in conjunction with the POINTER method, which creates a new type as a pointer to an existing one.

To ensure that memory is properly cleaned up, we use a context manager. This is tied to our class through the __enter__ and __exit__ methods. We use the with statement to start a new context. When the context is over, the __exit__ method will be automatically called, preventing the memory leak.


{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

import Data.Word (Word32)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.C.String (CString(..), newCString)

data ZipCodeDatabase

foreign import ccall unsafe "zip_code_database_new"
  zip_code_database_new :: IO (Ptr ZipCodeDatabase)

foreign import ccall unsafe "&zip_code_database_free"
  zip_code_database_free :: FunPtr (Ptr ZipCodeDatabase -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe "zip_code_database_populate"
  zip_code_database_populate :: Ptr ZipCodeDatabase -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "zip_code_database_population_of"
  zip_code_database_population_of :: Ptr ZipCodeDatabase -> CString -> Word32

createDatabase :: IO (Maybe (ForeignPtr ZipCodeDatabase))
createDatabase = do
  ptr <- zip_code_database_new
  if ptr /= nullPtr
    then do
      foreignPtr <- newForeignPtr zip_code_database_free ptr
      return $ Just foreignPtr
      return Nothing

populate = zip_code_database_populate

populationOf :: Ptr ZipCodeDatabase -> String -> IO (Word32)
populationOf db zip = do
  zip_str <- newCString zip
  return $ zip_code_database_population_of db zip_str

main :: IO ()
main = do
  db <- createDatabase
  case db of
    Nothing -> putStrLn "Unable to create database"
    Just ptr -> withForeignPtr ptr $ \database -> do
        populate database
        pop1 <- populationOf database "90210"
        pop2 <- populationOf database "20500"
        print (pop1 - pop2)

We start by defining an empty type to refer to the opaque object. When defining the imported functions, we use the Ptr type constructor with this new type as the type of the pointer returned from Rust. We also use IO as allocating, freeing, and populating the object are all functions with side-effects.

As allocation can theoretically fail, we check for NULL and return a Maybe from the constructor. This is likely overkill, as Rust currently aborts the process when the allocator fails.

To ensure that the allocated memory is automatically freed, we use the ForeignPtr type. This takes a raw Ptr and a function to call when the wrapped pointer is deallocated.

When using the wrapped pointer, withForeignPtr is used to unwrap it before passing it back to the FFI functions.


const ffi = require('ffi-napi');

const lib = ffi.Library('libobjects', {
  zip_code_database_new: ['pointer', []],
  zip_code_database_free: ['void', ['pointer']],
  zip_code_database_populate: ['void', ['pointer']],
  zip_code_database_population_of: ['uint32', ['pointer', 'string']],

const ZipCodeDatabase = function() {
  this.ptr = lib.zip_code_database_new();
}; = function() {

ZipCodeDatabase.prototype.populate = function() {

ZipCodeDatabase.prototype.populationOf = function(zip) {
  return lib.zip_code_database_population_of(this.ptr, zip);

const database = new ZipCodeDatabase();
try {
  const pop1 = database.populationOf('90210');
  const pop2 = database.populationOf('20500');
  console.log(pop1 - pop2);
} finally {;

When importing the functions, we simply declare that a pointer type is returned or accepted.

To make accessing the functions cleaner, we create a simple class that maintains the pointer for us and abstracts passing it to the lower-level functions. This also gives us as opportunity to rename the functions with idiomatic JavaScript camel-case.

To ensure that the resources are cleaned up, we use a try block and call the deallocation method in the finally block.


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

internal class Native
    internal static extern ZipCodeDatabaseHandle zip_code_database_new();
    internal static extern void zip_code_database_free(IntPtr db);
    internal static extern void zip_code_database_populate(ZipCodeDatabaseHandle db);
    internal static extern uint zip_code_database_population_of(ZipCodeDatabaseHandle db, string zip);

internal class ZipCodeDatabaseHandle : SafeHandle
    public ZipCodeDatabaseHandle() : base(IntPtr.Zero, true) {}

    public override bool IsInvalid
        get { return this.handle == IntPtr.Zero; }

    protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
        if (!this.IsInvalid)

        return true;

public class ZipCodeDatabase : IDisposable
    private ZipCodeDatabaseHandle db;

    public ZipCodeDatabase()
        db = Native.zip_code_database_new();

    public void Populate()

    public uint PopulationOf(string zip)
        return Native.zip_code_database_population_of(db, zip);

    public void Dispose()

    static public void Main()
        var db = new ZipCodeDatabase();

        var pop1 = db.PopulationOf("90210");
        var pop2 = db.PopulationOf("20500");

        Console.WriteLine("{0}", pop1 - pop2);

As the responsibilities for calling the native functions are going to be more spread out, we create a Native class to hold all the definitions.

To ensure that the allocated memory is automatically freed, we create a subclass of the SafeHandle class. This requires implementing IsInvalid and ReleaseHandle. Since our Rust function accepts freeing a NULL pointer, we can say that every pointer is valid.

We can use our safe wrapper ZipCodeDatabaseHandle as the type of the FFI functions except for the free function. The actual pointer will be automatically marshalled to and from the wrapper.

We also allow the ZipCodeDatabase to participate in the IDisposable protocol, forwarding to the safe wrapper.


#!/usr/bin/env julia
using Libdl

libname = "objects"
if !Sys.iswindows()
    libname = "lib$(libname)"

lib = Libdl.dlopen(libname)

zipcodedatabase_new_sym = Libdl.dlsym(lib, :zip_code_database_new)
zipcodedatabase_free_sym = Libdl.dlsym(lib, :zip_code_database_free)
zipcodedatabase_populate_sym = Libdl.dlsym(lib, :zip_code_database_populate)
zipcodedatabase_populationof_sym = Libdl.dlsym(lib, :zip_code_database_population_of)

struct ZipCodeDatabase

    function ZipCodeDatabase()
        handle = ccall(zipcodedatabase_new_sym, Ptr{Cvoid}, ())

    function ZipCodeDatabase(f::Function)
        database = ZipCodeDatabase()
        out = f(database)

close(database:: ZipCodeDatabase) = ccall(
    Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},),

populate!(database:: ZipCodeDatabase) = ccall(
    Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},),

populationof(database:: ZipCodeDatabase, zipcode:: AbstractString) = ccall(
    UInt32, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cstring),
    database.handle, zipcode

ZipCodeDatabase() do database
    pop1 = populationof(database, "90210")
    pop2 = populationof(database, "20500")
    println(pop1 - pop2)

As in other languages, we hide a handler pointer behind a new data type. The method which populates the database is called populate! to follow the Julia convention of having the ! suffix on methods which modify the value.

There is currently no consensus on how Julia should handle native resources. While the inner constructor pattern for allocating the ZipCodeDatabase is suitable here, we can think of many ways to let Julia free it afterwards. In this example, we show two means of freeing the object: (1) a mapping constructor for use with the do syntax, and (2) a close overload for manually freeing the object.

The inner constructor ZipCodeDatabase(f), is both in charge of creating and freeing the object. With the do syntax, the user code becomes similar to one using Python’s with syntax. Alternatively, the programmer can use the other constructor and call the method close when it is no longer needed.


const print = @import("std").io.getStdOut().writer().print;

pub const ZipCodeDatabase = opaque {};

pub extern fn zip_code_database_new() ?*ZipCodeDatabase;

pub extern fn zip_code_database_free(ptr: ?*ZipCodeDatabase) void;

pub extern fn zip_code_database_populate(ptr: ?*ZipCodeDatabase) void;

pub extern fn zip_code_database_population_of(ptr: ?*const ZipCodeDatabase, zip: [*c]const u8) u32;

pub fn main() !void {
    var database: ?*ZipCodeDatabase = zip_code_database_new();


    var pop1: u32 = zip_code_database_population_of(database, "90210");
    var pop2: u32 = zip_code_database_population_of(database, "20500");


    try print("{}\n", .{pop1 - pop2});

A dummy struct is created to provide a small amount of type-safety.

Declaring the structure as an opaque type that will serve as the interface. As with the previous examples the external functions are declared later. However, the great trick here is the use of optional pointers (?*) that can return either a null value or the value of the object.